Monday, March 26, 2007

To Mayo We Go

We get a flurry of appointments at Mayo. We meet with an oncologist who says we might consider 4 cycles of Docetaxel instead of 4 of Adriamycin and 4 of Taxol. Shorter sure sounds better to us, and maybe Docetaxel is a better drug with less side effects.

Next we meet with a radiation oncologist who says we don't have much use for radiation. Followed by another radiation oncologist who can't seem to decide if we need radiation or not. We ask if there are any gray areas where we might receive some radiation but not the whole 36 treatments but no. The radiation oncologist who can't decide (we call her the hand-wringer) defers judgment to the whole team.

Finally we meet a surgeon. She wants to re-excise the area and try to get better margins. We decide we'll do it if we can avoid radiation. It also means another month before the chemo can start though and it's awful knowing that is coming. Two days later we schedule the surgery.

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