Monday, February 26, 2007


Today is surgery #3, an areola-sparing mastectomy or ASM (pubmed entry here). Not to be confused with a nipple-sparing mastectomy, an ASM takes the central part of the nipple where the milk ducts are but leaves the colored skin that is the outer areola. The breast tissue beneath is completely removed but no other skin is taken. Many surgeons will want to re-excise any previous scars (e.g. lumpectomy) too. This will leave me with a scar or two but hopefully a near-normal looking breast and nipple.

We had our plastic surgeon put in a tissue expander put in at the same time and slightly filled to give me some shape.

Joseph Hartigan was our surgeon and Paul Scioscia was our plastic surgeon, both did excellent work.

Mastectomy Types
Incision for modified radical mastectomy
Scar following surgery
Incisions for skin sparing mastectomy. Scar following surgery.
Incisions for areolar sparing mastectomy. Scar following surgery.
Incision for nipple-sparing (subcutaneous) mastectomy.

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